A downloadable Tool for Windows


Place Water/Terrain: Left Click

Swap Between Water and Terrain Brush: Scroll Wheel

Move Camera: Right Click

Movement: WASD + QE

Reset Simulation: T

Pause/Play Simulation: J

Step Simulation: K

Show Difference Map: M

Hide UI: Z

Enabled/Disable Erosion: 1

Enabled/Disable Rain: 2

Enabled/Disable Evaporation: 3

Boost Brush Strength: Shift

Reduce Water Level: R

For changing the water solver, resolution, erosion parameters and etc... use the Debug menu UI

Recommended: try placing some random terrain shapes, putting talus angle really low for few seconds, then placing water all over the terrain, use R to remove water if it gets to high


Water Erosion Simulation.zip 250 MB

Install instructions

Download the zip file and unzip it to your computer

Navigate to the release folder and run the "Coursework.exe"

When the window opens, do not make it full screen as it can mess up the mouse position.